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Fun Fall Five 2


Hello, Pumpkintown friends,

Once again, thanks for subscribing to my newsletter. Here are five thoughts and ideas just for you.

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Your pumpkin pal,


It’s a pumpkin fest, a palooza craze.

Let’s celebrate each pumpkin day.

(from Pumpkin Palooza, by Peggy Schaedler.)

1. Here is a great recipe for pumpkin biscotti. It would be fun family activity. I am not a baker, believe me, but these were super easy! Here’s the link. Thank you Maria!

(Photo from

2. If you have a little one at home, have fun singing along with my favorite Halloween pumpkin song – Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate, by the Kiboomers. Don’t forget to add some movements! Here’s the link:

3. Here’s a fun quote from one of my favorites all time books, Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery:

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

(I totally agree, BTW!)

4. One of my favorite fall books is Jeb Scarecrow’s Pumpkin Patch by Jana Dillon. It’s an older book, but your town library might have it.

5. Here’s a poem to brighten your day.

The Perfect Day

It’s a perfectly perfect day,

to make your dreams come true.

I can’t wait to see,

your cares set free,

and the wonderful things you’ll do.

If it doesn’t work out,

there’s no need to pout

or stomp your feet and cry.

You just simply say

“I will be okay,

at least I know I tried.”

By Peggy Schaedler

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