Just for Fun
We believe in publishing books that make children smile— books that kids read just because they want to. Children face many challenges, but reading shouldn’t be one of them. We hope our books appeal to both boys, girls, and even adults.
You may find books on our shelf that have zany characters, adventurous plots, mysterious creatures, or even a ghost or two. And we know young readers can be picky. So we’ve tried to create a story menu that tempts even the most persnickety young reader.
Reading shouldn’t be stressful. It shouldn’t be a chore. So calling all kids! Pick up book, flop down in your favorite spot and read – not for school, not for grown-ups, not even for your dear old granny. Open your book and read just for fun!

Peggy Schaedler
Peggy Schaedler was a school librarian before becoming a writer. She is the author of the children’s mystery series Dagger and Dash. Her latest children's books are Pumpkintown: The Great Goose Getaway, and Pumpkin Palooza, Playful Poems for Pumpkin Pals. She loves fun books that make children smile. Peggy lives in Connecticut writing stories, plays, and poetry for children while her little sugar pumpkin doggie tries to distract her. When she’s not writing, she performs in Puppets 4 Peace, where she reads, sings and plays her ukulele in schools and libraries. Visit Peggy at www.turtlehillbooks.com and www.puppets4peace.net.